PAS Business Meeting Agenda
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Messiah University PAWC 310
April 13, 2024 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM
- Welcoming Remarks – Call to Order
- Approval – Minutes Saturday Business Meeting March 18, 2023 Link
- Business to discuss during the meeting:
- Officer Reports Overview:
- President: André Walther
- Welcome
- Invitation to participate
- Future meetings:
- 2025 – Harrisburg University of Science and Technology 100th Annual meeting Robert Coxe (chair)/History of Academy
- 2026-TBA
- Immediate Past President: Matt Wallace
- Darbaker Prize
- Journal Editor: Russ Minton
- Call for JPAS submissions
- Education Chair: Dave Singleton
- Summary of PAS funding opportunities
- Spychala Awards Chairs: Christopher Dolanc, Michael Foulk
- Call for nominations and Election of Board Members (Slate below)
- Call for comments from the membership.
2024 PAS OFFICERS & Elections Slate:
- President: Tammy Tintjer (2024-2026; Past-President 2026-2028)
- Past-President: André Walther (2024-2026)
- President Elect: OPEN (2024-2026) (President 2026-2028; Past-President 2028-2030)
- PJAS Director: Robert Helm (elected by PJAS)
- Treasurer: Valbonna Hoxha (2024-2026)
- Treasurer-Elect: Monique Rogals (2024-2026; Treasurer 2026-2028)
- Recording Secretary: Jenny Hayden (2024-2026)
- Editor in Chief: Russ Minton (2024-2028)
- Corresponding Secretary/Membership Chair: Chris Kavanau (2023-2025)
- Webmaster and Archivist: Rachael Zhu (2023-2025)
- AAAS/NAAS Representative: K. Joy Karnas (2024-2026)
- Directors at Large: Brian Gray (2023-2025), Zeb Kramer (2023-2025), Logan Johnson (2023-2025), Erica Ward (2023-2025), Dia Beachboard (2023-2025) Up to 4 Open positions (2024-2026)
- Finance and Investments co-Chairs: Amy Parente, Matthew Wallace (appointed)
- Education Chair: David Singleton (appointed)
- Annual Meeting Program Co-Chairs: Jenny Hayden (appointed), Rachael Zhu (appointed)
- Media Content Editor: Jenny Hayden (appointed)
- Affiliate Chair: Lara Goudsouzian
- Spychala Awards Chair: Christopher Dolanc and Michael Foulk (appointed)
- Book Editor: Sandy Whidden (appointed)