- Upload link for Posters Due April 8 at 11:59PM. You must be logged in to view this page.
- Poster presenters will be asked to provide a PDF in the correct orientation of a full poster to be uploaded to the PAS website no later than April 8 at 11:59PM. This PDF will be shared with meeting participants. The uploaded poster should include the full names of the presenting authors in the file name.
- Posters should be no larger than 48 inches x 48 inches.
- The names and affiliations of all authors must be clearly displayed on the uploaded poster, with the presenting author(s) indicated by an asterisk*.
- During the poster session, students will be assigned to a specific Zoom breakout room, and audience members will pop in and out during the 1.5 hours. Students should be prepared to present their poster using 4-8 normal sized Powerpoint/Keynote slides developed from the main uploaded poster file. Students should consider developing poster explanations of 8-12 minutes, but the timing is up to them.
- All poster presentations will be assigned an abstract number and a specific poster session time of 1.5 hours within a Zoom Breakout room, this information will be available on the website (pennsci.org) prior to the meeting.
- Presentations will be done through a Zoom presentation, so presenters should download the Zoom app on their computer before the session.
- Presenters will share their screen with the Powerpoint/Keynote presentation, and should practice doing this with Zoom prior to the conference.
- Presenters must remain in their poster zoom session during the assigned session times, please be prepared to summarize and answer questions about your project every time new audience members join their session.