94th Annual Meeting of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science

All events held at the Kovalchick Convention and Athletic Complex located on the Indiana University of Pennsylvania campus

PAS Program Booklet (Printed version will be provided to registrants upon meeting check-in)

        PAS Abstract Book

Friday, March 23

Time Event Location
5:00-7:00 PM PAS Board Meeting PNC Room 7
6:00-7:00 PM PAS Board Dinner PNC Room 6
6:30-7:30 PM Meeting Check-In Lobby
7:00–9:00 PM Reception (light refreshments) Lobby

Saturday, March 24

Time Event Location
7:30–10:30 AM Meeting Check-In Lobby
8:45–9:00 AM Introduction and Welcome Toretti Auditorium
9:15-10:15 AM Oral Presentations I Chemistry and Physics PNC Room 6/7
9:10-12:00 AM Alternative Energy Symposium Session I: Energy Transitions and Solar Energy PNC Room 10
10:00-11:00 AM Coffee Break Lobby
10:00-12:00 PM Poster Session I: Terrestrial Ecology and Microbiology
(Poster set-up 8:00-10:00 AM)
10:30-11:45 PM Oral Presentations II Models of Human Disease/Biotechnology PNC Room 6
10:30-12:00 PM Oral Presentations III Neuroscience and Neuroanatomy PNC Room 7
12:15–1:15 PM Student Lunch Panel PNC Room 6/7
12:15-1:15 PM PAS Business Meeting Lunch (Open to all members) PNC Room 11/12
1:30-3:00PM Oral Presentations IV Terrestrial Ecology I/Environmental Science PNC Room6/7
1:30-3:30 PM Poster Session II: Genes, Cells, Development, and Disease
(Poster set-up 12:00-1:30 PM)
1:30-3:00 PM Alternative Energy Symposium Session II: Biological sources of Renewable Energy PNC Room 10
2:00-4:00 PM Coffee Break Lobby
3:15-5:00 PM Oral Presentations  V Cancer Biology PNC Room 6/7
3:30-5:00 PM Alternative Energy Symposium Session III: Wind Energy, and Sustainable living PNC Room 10
6:00-6:45 PM Cocktails Arena
7:00-9:00 PM Dinner and Keynote Address
Learning from the “Pennsylvania Desert”: Historical insights to our energy future Dr. Richard Alley Ph.D

Sunday, March 25

Time Event Location
7:30–8:30 AM Meeting Check-In Lobby
8:00-9:00 AM PAS Board Meeting Executive Board Room
9:00-10:00 AM Coffee Break Lobby
9:30-11:15 AM Oral Presentations VI Microbiology PNC Room 6/7
9:30-11:15 AM Oral Presentations VII Terrestrial Ecology II Toretti Auditorium
9:45-11:45 AM Poster Session III: Aquatic Ecology/Chemical, Environmental, Forensic, and Physical Sciences (Poster set-up 8:00-9:45 AM) Lobby
11:45–12:30 PM Lunch PNC Room 10/11/12
 12:30-1:00 PM Awards Ceremony Toretti Auditorium