2024 Keynote Speaker Dr. David B. Olsen
David B. Olsen, Ph.D. Scientific Associate VP Merck Research Laboratories Neglected Tropical Diseases Discovery Lead Title Twists and turns in drug discovery: An antimalarial drug discovery case study that deciphers unique biology and identifies a potent development drug candidate. Abstract…
PAS Annual Meeting 2024
The 99th Annual Meeting of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science will be held at Messiah University April 12–14, 2024.
2023 Keynote Address Dr. Sherri Mason
Plastic provides a real paradox in the world of material science. It is incredibly strong but without the mass that similar strength materials usually possess. In addition, it is very moldable so that you can contort it into a myriad…
98th Annual Meeting of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science
Please join us for the 98th Annual Meeting of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science hosted by Gannon University on March 17-19, 2023 Generously sponsored by Sanofi-Aventis and Regional Science Consortium
High School Summer Research Opportunities 2023
2023 High School Summer Research opportunities are available. Please make note of deadlines as some are quickly approaching.
The Pennsylvania Academy of Science welcomes the creation of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Science and Technology Policy Fellowship (COPA-STEP) program
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Science and Technology Policy Fellowship (COPA-STEP) seeks to strengthen the relationship between the scientific community and policy makers in Pennsylvania. COPA-STEP’s mission is to provide trusted, evidence-based perspectives on Pennsylvania science and technology policy issues in order to…
97th Annual Meeting of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science
Congratulations to everyone who presented at the 97th Annual Meeting of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science hosted by DeSales University on March 25-27, 2022 The 2022 competition winners can be found here.
97th Annual Meeting of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science Keynote Address
Developing Alternatives to Oil as Feedstocks for our Chemicals and Liquid Fuels Dr. Karen Goldberg, Vagelos Professor in Energy Research and Chemistry, University of Pennsylvania The call for reducing CO2 emissions and moving to renewable energy sources has never been…