95th Annual Meeting of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science

All events held on the Cedar Crest College campus

PAS 2019 Program Booklet (20 MB) Printed version will be provided to registrants upon meeting check-in)

PAS 2019 Program Booklet (lower res)

  PAS 2019 Abstract Book PAS 2019 Abstract Book

Friday, March 29

Time Event Location
5:00-7:00 PM PAS Board Meeting Tompkins College Center 1867
6:00-7:00 PM PAS Board Dinner Tompkins College Center 1867
6:30-7:30 PM Meeting Check-In Da Vinci Science Center
7:00–9:00 PM Reception (light refreshments) Da Vinci Science Center
7:30–8:00 PM Remarks
Dr. Joy Karnas, Meeting Organizer
Lin Erickson, Executive Director and CEO Da Vinci Science Center
Dr. Elizabeth Meade, President of Cedar Crest College
Mike Schlossberg, State Representative, 132nd District in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Da Vinci Science Center

Saturday, March 30

8:00–9:15 AM Early Meeting Check-In Alumnae Hall Atrium
8:55–9:10 AM Symposium Introduction and Welcome: Connecting Society with Science: How can scientists better communicate with the public Dr. Stephen Mech, Albright College Alumnae Hall Auditorium
9:10–9:45 AM Symposium Plenary talk: The Science of Science Communication: Theory and Practice Lee Ahern,  Pennsylvania State University Alumnae Hall Auditorium
9:30–11:00 AM Regular Meeting Check-In Harmon Hall of Peace
10:00–11:35 AM Symposium Session I SCI 136
9:30–11:30 AM Coffee Break Lees Hall Gym
10:00–11:45 AM Oral Presentations: Cancer Biology and Genetics OBC 1
10:15–11:45 AM Oral Presentations: Fungal Microbiology and Biotechnology, Chemistry SCI 139
10:45-11:45 AM Oral Presentations: Aquatic Ecology Miller 33
10:00–12:00 PM Poster Session I  (Poster set-up 9:00-10:00 AM) Chemistry, Physics & Forensic Science; Developmental Biology, Neuroscience, and Behavior Lees Hall Gym
11:45–1:15 PM Lunch: Pick up outside Lunch panels/Business Meetings
12:00-1:00 PM Student Lunch Panel: Health Professions and Med School OBC 1
12:00-1:00 PM Student Lunch Panel: Science Career and Graduate School Panel SCI 136
12:00-1:00 PM PAS Business Meeting/Lunch (Open to all members) Miller 33
1:15–2:45 PM Oral Presentations: Terrestrial Ecology-Reptiles and Amphibians Miller 33
1:15–2:45 PM Oral Presentations: Terrestrial Ecology-Insects, Spiders, and Plants OBC 1
2:00–3:55 PM Symposium Session II SCI 136
1:15–3:15PM Poster Session II  (Poster set-up 12:00-1:15 PM) Genes, Proteins, Cells, and Disease Lees Hall Gym
2:00–4:00 PM Coffee Break Lees Hall Gym
3:15–5:15 PM Oral Presentations: Human impacts on habitats Miller 33
3:15–5:15 PM Oral Presentations: Molecular pathways and Human Health OBC 1
4:15–5:30 PM Oral Presentations: Terrestrial Ecology-Bats, Birds, and Bears SCI 136
6:00-9:00 PM Dinner and Keynote Address: A World View of the Fight Against Malaria.

Dr. Lorraine Soisson Senior Technical Advisor to the U.S. Agency for International Development’s Malaria Vaccine Development Program (USAID MVDP)

Tompkins College Center Canova Commons
6:00-6:45 PM Cocktails Tompkins College Center Canova Commons
7:00 PM Banquet Dinner Tompkins College Center Canova Commons


Sunday, March 31

7:30–8:30 AM Meeting Check-In Harmon Hall of Peace
8:00-9:30 AM PAS Board Meeting Miller 20
9:00–11:00 AM Coffee Break Lees Gym
9:45–11:45 AM Oral Presentations: Microbiology OBC 1
10:00–11:45 AM Oral Presentations: Cancer Biology and Treatment Miller 33
9:45-11:45 AM Poster Session III (Poster set-up 8:00-9:30 AM) Aquatic and Terrestrial Ecology & Geology, Environmental Science Lees Gym
11:45–12:30 PM Lunch Miller 33/ OBC 1/SCI 136
12:30-1:00 PM Awards Ceremony SCI 136