

The abstract will be published in an upcoming issue of the Journal of the PAS as printed in the PAS 2015 Abstract Booklet.  Please contact Program Chair Dr. André Walther ( if there are any typographical errors in your abstract found in the Abstract Booklet by May 1, 2015.

Schedule 91st Annual Meeting of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science

Friday, April 10

Time Event Location
4:00-6:00 PM PAS Board Meeting AACA Museum
6:00-7:00 PM PAS Board Dinner AACA Museum
6:30-7:30 PM Meeting Check-In AACA Museum
7:00–9:00 PM Reception AACA Museum

Saturday, April 11

Time Event Location
7:30–10:30 AM Meeting Check-In Lobby, Mund
8:45–9:10 AM Introduction and Welcome Leedy Theater, Mund
9:15-10:30 AM Oral Presentations
9:30-10:30 AM I Plants, Agriculture, and Biotechnology Room 203, Neidig-Garber
9:15-10:30 AM II Animal Ecology Leedy Theater, Mund
10:15–10:45 AM Coffee Break Intermezzo, Lynch
10:00–12:00 PM Poster Session I – Biology and Ecology of Bacteria, Plants, and Fungi; Animal Behavior, Ecology, and Neuroscience  (Poster set-up 8:00-10:00 AM) Syndoninos Commons, Lynch
10:45–12:15 PM Oral Presentations
III Animal Models of Human Disease Leedy Theater, Mund
12:00–1:00 PM Lunch Lehr Dining Room, Mund
12:00-1:00 PM PAS Business Meeting (Open to all members) Lehr Dining Room, Mund
1:00 PM Regal Fritillary butterfly field trip departure Lobby, Mund
1:00–2:00 PM Oral Presentations  
IV Gene Expression and Genomics Leedy Theater, Mund
2:00–2:30 PM Coffee Break Intermezzo, Lynch
2:15–4:00 PM Oral Presentations
V Animal Pathogens Leedy Theater, Mund
VI Microbial Ecology followed by Science Education  Room 203, Neidig-Garber
1:00–3:00 PM Poster Session II – Aquatic Ecology and Water Quality; Education (Poster set-up 12:00-1:00 PM) Syndoninos Commons, Lynch
6:00-9:00 PM Dinner and Keynote Address: Caught in the SNOWstorm – Scott Weidensaul Lehr Dining Room, Mund

Sunday, April 12

Time Event Location
7:30–8:30 AM Meeting Check-In Lobby, Mund
8:00-9:00 AM PAS Board Meeting Tweedy Board Room, Mund
9:30–10:00 AM Coffee Break Intermezzo, Lynch
9:45–11:00 AM Oral Presentations
VI Aquatic Ecology Leedy Theater, Mund
9:45-11:45 AM Poster Session III – Health and Disease (Poster set-up 8:00-9:30 AM) Syndoninos Commons, Lynch
11:45–12:30 PM Lunch Lehr Dining Room, Mund
12:30-1:00 PM Awards Ceremony Leedy Theater, Mund