Any person can submit an abstract on any science or science related subject. Abstracts will be grouped based on abstract submissions for a given year.
- Abstracts are due by February 15 at midnight. Abstracts submitted after that time my not be accepted for presentation.
- Abstracts should not exceed 300 words. Abstracts longer than 300 words will need to be resubmitted for consideration.
- Abstracts must be submitted electronically using the form below (no snail mail). There is no abstract submission fee.
- The corresponding author (research adviser) must be a member of PAS in order to submit an abstract.
- One person cannot be listed as the presenter on more than three abstracts.
- Authors will be notified when the abstract has been reviewed. If the abstract is accepted, the time of the presentation will be indicated in a preliminary program posted on the PAS website.
- The abstracts that are presented at the Annual Meeting will be published in a supplemental issue of the Journal of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science that will be available after the annual meeting.
- Once the Program Committee has accepted an abstract, presenting authors must register and pay for the Annual Meeting by March 15th. After March 28th, any abstract lacking a presenting author with paid registration will be removed from the meeting program and will not be accepted for presentation at the conference.
- The meeting runs from Friday April 1-Sunday April 3. Posters and oral presentation sessions may be scheduled for Saturday morning (9AM-noon), Saturday afternoon (1-5PM), or Sunday morning (9AM-noon). Special requests for preferred presentation scheduling will NOT be accepted. Presenting authors submitting abstracts must be available to present at any of the potential session times.
For questions about the process please contact program co-chair Andre Walther