The Pennsylvania Academy of Sciences has a mechanism for funding research carried out by high school students, under the mentor ship of PAS faculty members. As with the undergraduate and graduate student grants, these proposals are broadly targeted to support research within the natural, physical, and social sciences. Proposals should be written and submitted by the student with strong support by the faculty mentor. The proposal deadline for this year will be April 15, and successful applicants will be notified no later than June 1st. Grants are normally made in the amount of $100 as requested in the proposal, therefore proposal budgets should take this limit into consideration.
General Guidelines for proposal:
- Mentors/Principal Investigators must be active members of PAS; additionally Mentors will be requested to assist with the grant review process.
- Mentors/Principal Investigators can submit up to 2 proposals for funding consideration.
- More than one student author may be on a single proposal; however the specific roles of each of the student researchers towards the project, and towards writing of the proposal should be clear.
- Projects should be of such nature that they could be initiated and completed within a few months. Projects carried out over the summer are optimal.
- The PAS funds are to be used primarily for expendable supplies, small pieces of equipment, and travel for field studies.
Proposal Format should include the following sections:
- The TITLE of the project
- CONTACT INFORMATION for both the student researcher and the PAS faculty mentor
- A clear OBJECTIVE of the study, succinctly describing the goals and outcomes. This section should give the reader an indication of the “Big Picture” of the project, and how it may fulfill a gap in the knowledge of the topic.
- An EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN section, describing how the research will be carried out. This section should give sufficient detail such that a reader will be able to evaluate what the student will accomplish as they work on the project. This section may also include specific aspects of DATA INTERPRETATION, as they relate to the methods being used.
- An ANTICIPATED RESULTS section. This section should convey that the student has thought about the question they are addressing with the research, and what they expect to find.
- An itemized BUDGET for the project. As noted in the general description above, these proposals are generally designed to purchase supplies for the project. If funding is to also be supplied by other sources, this should be identified.
Grants may be submitted electronically via email through April 15, 2025
Contact for questions about the grant submission process:
Dr. David Singleton
Department of Biological Sciences
441 Country Club Road
York College of Pennsylvania
York, PA 17403-3651